08 Jul We are making fun or playing with the scammers instead of offering solutions for our clients? I thought this was a place to come to for solutions
There are several possible problems with your request. Here are the challenges you face, as I see them:
1. Multiple infection vectors, including e-mail attachments, various phishing messages, infected web sites, infection via botnet, and unsolicited phone calls claiming to be from Microsoft or some other legitimate vendor
2. The ever-changing nature of the threats and methods of infecting the end user’s computer and/or hacking into it
3. The wide range of software tools aimed at preventing infections and corresponding differences of opinion on which ones to use; these opinions may be influenced by commercial considerations, i.e. which products you are selling
4. All of the issues related to passwords, their relative strength, and how often they are changed, plus the question of using different passwords for every account and every web site to be accessed
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